When your muse speaks . . .
A few weeks ago I had all my ducks lined up. I had a schedule. Finish To Kill A Demon and Heart of Stone, get them published this year. Finish Blindsided and get it ready for release in April 2019. Spend the remainder of 2019 writing Deuces Wild, the final installment of The Kindred series. I was good with the plan.
Then, I had a conversation with one of the nurses I work with. I’d just found out her genre of choice was paranormal romance. She was interested in reading my books. Jokingly, I told her my next project would be in a hospital setting but I wasn’t sure where I would go with it. She told me about a doctor she once worked with. And, there it was—the premise for another book! I’m hoping this one can wait until 2019, but you know how that goes. Once the muse raises its head . . . I’m so excited about the idea, I contacted my cover artist. She told me she’d drop everything to get on this one. This is a sign, right? I’ll have to see how it goes, but I have a feeling my muse is going to have sit in a corner for the new kid.
For now, I’m promoting the release of A Destiny Denied. I hope you already got your copy. If not, you can get it HERE. The third installment of my Kindred series, this is Doc and Maggie’s story. As with all my Kindred books, they are much more than just one warrior and his Promised Soul. The Kindred are a clan, and their lives intertwine. There’s a LOT going on, and Destiny is no different. Let me know what you think by leaving a review. I always appreciate feedback.
I’m happy to say that To Kill A Demon is with the Beta readers and is scheduled for the editor’s desk in mid-May. That one should stay on schedule for release in August. Now, I’m focused on finishing Heart of Stone. So far, so good.
Until next week,