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Wrapping up, Moving on ...

To Kill A Demon is with my publisher. While waiting on the outcome of her final read, I’ve put together all the little extras that will become my next book. Once I get her take on it, I’ll have to deal with suggested changes. Next, formatting. It’s a process, and it takes time.

My emotions are all over the place with this book. I’m excited that Demon is finally going to happen. I’ve been working on this one off and on for the better part of a year. I’m nervous, too. This is my first urban fantasy novel. I’m hoping my paranormal romance readers will like it, as well as finding an audience dedicated to urban fantasy. My beta readers were thrilled with it, so I’m hoping that reaction follows through with others. One can only hope.

After Demon is wrapped, I’m diving back into Blindsided. About halfway through, I’m eager to see what the characters have waiting for me.

Until next week,


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