My muse stirs ...
My writing, and everything related to it, has had to take a back seat because life demands my attention elsewhere. I’m still not able to claim time as my own just yet, but I’m getting there.
I did contact the cover artist who is doing my Kindred series for me, sending her the information she needs to start on Blindsided. As usual, my hero is very detailed and it’s going to be hard to find a stock model who fits his description. I can’t wait to see what Victoria Miller comes up. She hasn’t failed me yet. I expect nothing less this time around.
Not being able to write doesn’t mean my mind has been idle. I know exactly how to finish out the chapter I was working on. I’m eager to get back to the story. I have a feeling once I get to it, I won’t be coming up for air anytime soon.
Until next week,