Going down the list . . .
I find myself switching gears once again. I’m only a couple or three chapters from finishing Blindsided but have to put it aside. Got my edits back on Heart of Stone. I need to focus on that project. I completed the corrections and finished listening to the oral read last night. Now it’s time to gather all the front and back matter and format it for publishing. Yeah, not my favorite part, either. Not fun, but necessary. It’s not going to be released without it.
To add to the mix, I’m a part of Kelli Smith’s Reviewer Roundup. Today is the last day, with the meet and greet this evening. While the reader turnout wasn’t as plentiful as usual, (life tends to get in the way) I still managed to get several four- and five-star reviews posted on quite a few platforms. I can’t complain. At least I know To Kill A Demon is the fast-paced, fun read I hoped for. Haven’t read it yet? Get it here.
Guess I better get back to work. I want to get Heart of Stone out next month. I’m looking into a few other outlets as well as Amazon to release this one. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s done.
Until next week,