Life as usual, with the holidays thrown in
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and survived Black Friday. I had to work, which came down to a small dinner I prepared at home for my family and sharing in a feast with my co-workers. The result being that I ate more than I usually do. I’m not sorry to see this holiday done and gone.
I’m still waiting on my final wrap for Heart of Stone. As soon as I get it, I can upload and get the print version available for the release date of December 11. If you prefer e-books, take advantage of the pre-order price of ninety-nine cents.
My work schedule has been altered to fit the holidays. I find myself checking the calendar every evening now to see if I’m working or not. I find myself free this weekend. Other than minimal Christmas decorating due to my granddaughter’s rambunctious cat, I have a friend’s book to edit. That will keep me busy. I just need to focus on keeping my rear in the chair.
On that note, I need to get busy. Until next week,