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Rituals & Runes interview with Madison Granger

The runes are cast, the rituals prepared, now it’s time to enjoy an interview with author Madison Granger as she talks about her book, Claiming Magick. It comes out in the Rituals and Runes Anthology October 4, 2022!

Author: Madison Granger

Book: Claiming Magick

R&R: Thank you for agreeing to an interview. I'm excited to talk about your upcoming story, Claiming Magick.

What is the key theme and/or message in the book?

Madison: Holding a grudge is a waste of energy. Being angry for so long, you lose sight of why you were angry in the first place. Taking a step back, you might find out things have changed along the way.

R&R: That's a deep and meaningful theme. It's awesome to read a book that's both entertaining and has a message.

Would you and your main character get along?

Madison: Most definitely. We’re a lot alike, which shouldn’t be a surprise, I tend to pattern my female MC’s with my personal likes and best traits.

R&R: What was your hardest scene to write, and why?

Madison: Sex scenes, always. I constantly debate on whether it’s not enough or too much and have I said this already. I stress over them.

R&R: Yes, it can be tricky to balance everything in those scenes.

What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?

Madison: The characters. I have to get a visual in my head before I can write their story. The plot, and the rest of the story, comes while I’m writing.

R&R: Sounds like you get a vivid sense of things before you start writing. That's wonderful.

Name three things your main character would not want to do.

Madison: Have anything to do with shifters. (at least in the beginning)

Rowan Murphy would never hurt anyone intentionally but would have no qualms about it if she was protecting someone she cared about.

Because she’s a witch, Rowan doesn’t seek attention, preferring to live quietly.

R&R: Tell us about your writing routine. What are your must-have elements when you sit down and focus?

Madison: I prefer to write when it’s quiet, even music can distract me. I always keep bottled water on my desk and make constant use of a thesaurus and search engine. I research as I write.

R&R: Great tools! It's funny how some authors love music while they write, while others don't. To each their own.

What books do you have coming out that are not involved in the anthology?

I’ve had two releases earlier this year, A Warrior’s Redemption, book seven of The Kindred series, and The Rising of Amelia, the sequel to The Awakening of Amelia. I’m currently working on Zane, the first book of the Bayou Crescent Wolves trilogy.

R&R: Congrats! Exciting lineup!

My final question: Would you rather read your writings to an audience of ten people who love you or to 10,000 people you don’t know?

An audience of ten. I hate reading aloud, especially to people. I don’t think I have a good speaking voice, and I don’t deal well with being the center of attention, I turn beet red the whole time.

Understandable! Thank you very much for the wonderful interview.

If you would like to find out more about Claiming Magick, read on!


Rowan Murphy loves her life as a solitary witch and owner of The Hidden Key, where she spends her days making and selling charms and potions to the locals of Havenport. As long as she can ignore the wolf shifters in town, her life is perfect.

Griffin Reed, Alpha of the Firethorn wolfpack has his back against the wall—find a way to break an ancient curse or watch his pack die out. His only hope is the local witch, and she doesn’t like shifters.

Magick sparks and fur flies when Rowan and Griffin combine forces to break the spell threatening the pack’s existence. The solution is one they never saw coming and will change their lives forever.


Candles lit, bath oil scenting the water, and a glass of wine at hand, Rowan slowly lowered into the steaming bath. She groaned in pleasure as she stretched out, sore muscles relaxing for the first time in three days. Rowan was always amazed how much the festival took out of her. She kept herself reasonably fit and was fairly active, but those three days were a whirlwind of activity. She was always exhausted at the end.

Rowan’s cell phone rang, and she peeked over the edge of the tub to see whose name popped up. Seeing Griffin’s name, she reached for the device and answered, her voice relaxed and sultry.


“Rowan, this is Griffin. Did I interrupt something?”

“Not at all. I’m relaxing in a tub full of bubbles.” She chuckled lightly.

“Now there’s a visual.”

Rowan scooped up a handful of water, letting it trickle between her fingers.

“Like that, do you?” Her voice was husky, and his gravelly tone when he responded was doing things to her that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

“What’s not to like, a beautiful woman in a tub? You probably have candles lit too.”

“I do, as a matter of fact, and you can’t forget the glass of wine.”

“Let’s not forget the wine.” Griffin growled low. “That means you’re relaxed. There’s only one thing missing.”

“What would that be?” Rowan’s breath hitched. What started out as simple teasing had taken a turn into something… more.

“You need someone to scrub your back, help you with those hard-to-reach places.”

Griffin’s breath was getting harsher. They were both getting turned on, and not only was she allowing it, she was enjoying it. Her core clenched as she fantasized about Griffin joining her.

“Are you volunteering for the position?” Her voice was breathy with anticipation.

“Do I have a chance?”

“I think we might leave it on the table, open for discussion.” Rowan couldn’t believe she was encouraging him but wanted to know him better, to know him… intimately.

“Sounds good. It’s encouraging. It would be nice to think there’s something ahead for us.” His voice was soft and low, a sensual murmur in her ear.

Author Bio:

Madison Granger is a free-spirited late bloomer who stubbornly lives by three beliefs: dreams can come true, never give up, and you’re never too old to try new things. She is living proof of all three adages, vowing she isn't done by a long shot.

Born and raised near New Orleans and even closer to the swamps of south Louisiana, Madison Granger is no stranger to tales of the magical and different.

An avid reader, Madison grew tired of reading about young, flighty girls and began writing her own stories of mature women who aren’t so quick to jump before looking first.

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